Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)
Integral Pillars of Our Sustainable Progress

For Meghmani, the protection of people and the environment is top priority. Our core business of chemical production, processing and transportation demands responsible approach. We systematically address risks with a comprehensive Management System, which is continually being further improved. We strongly believe that every stride we take for fulfilling basic chemical needs of the nation should reflect our pledge to protect environment and people.
Environmental Protection:
The company is an environmentally responsible organization and endorses the sustainable development. Our plants are ISO 9001 & 14001 certified for the environmental management systems as per the international guidelines. The company adopts the best available technology to enhance the productivity and reduce the carbon footprint. The alternate source of energy is also adopted along with the energy efficient electrical equipment. The organization is conscious about contribution towards climate protection and takes requisite actions to boost conservation of natural resources and energy efficiency. The company has necessary infrastructure in place and adopts the reduce, reuse, recycle policy, and the balance is treated to meet the requirements as per the standard norms. The organization regularly reviews the environmental parameters by competent third party audits and ensures the compliance by environmental monitoring. The plant, manufacturing processes and business operations are designed to encourage economic success in harmony with responsibility towards environment we operate in, employees we work with and stakeholders involved in our business.
Management of Health & Safety
Fundamental framework of EHS system is based on Responsible Care and ISO requirements. This ensures compliance with the regulatory standards, and drives excellence in improving the EHS performance through continual improvement.
The EHS policy acts as a guiding document and defines measures for identifying, addressing and eliminating or mitigating any impacts/risks arising from processes, unsafe working conditions and unsafe acts. We value health and safety of the people above all.
We make continuous efforts to enhance our occupational health & safety practices to enhance the company’s overall performance.
Prevention of loss to business, human beings and environment is ensured by identifying hazards and minimizing risks. This is being done by maintaining integrity of plant and hardware, robust design, faultless execution of operational procedures, trained people, promoting alertness and maintaining emergency handling preparedness for controlling of consequences arising out of any of above barrier breach.
We follow below guidelines under EHS:
- Comply with all applicable legal and other requirements to which we subscribes.
- Conserve natural resources in particular water, energy and raw materials and promote the development of green surroundings and use of reusable resources.
- Incorporate suitable techniques for prevention of injury, ill health and pollutions.
- Eliminate, minimize and control the significant environmental aspects as well as unacceptable Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) hazard and risks.
- Provide high degree of safety promotions services and encourage safe behaviour amongst all.
- Proactively monitor incidents, accidents and unsafe operational conditions, acts and Hygienic conditions and report to all concerned, for correction and corrective actions.
- Strengthen awareness, skill and competence of employees and all concerned, like contractors and their workmen and also foster dialogue with suppliers, customers and community.
- Periodically review the adequacy, suitability and effectiveness of Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) system and the need for its amendment.
This policy is applicable to all the group companies of Meghmani Group.